Aligned Standard

ELA.EE.RL.6.3: Can identify how a character responds to a challenge in a story.

Grade Level Standard

This is aligned the following California State Standards:

  • RL.6.3 - Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Linkage Level Descriptions

Initial Precursor

When the student is presented with familiar objects and given a prompt to complete an action, the student is able to complete the action using the appropriate object.

Distal Precursor

After reading or hearing a story, the student can identify explicitly stated actions of characters in the story.

Proximal Precursor

The student can identify how a character's feelings lead to their actions OR how their actions make them feel.


After reading a story, the student can recognize a challenge a character faced and how the character responded to that challenge.


After reading a story, the student can identify and recall how characters' actions affect the consequences that occurred later in the story and relate it to that character's action(s) earlier in the story.