Aligned Standard

ELA.EE.RL.4.5: Identify elements that are characteristic of stories.

Grade Level Standard

This is aligned the following California State Standards:

  • RL.4.5 - Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text.

Linkage Level Descriptions

Initial Precursor

When presented with familiar and unfamiliar representations of people, objects, places, and events, the student can correctly identify the familiar representations.

Distal Precursor

During a shared reading of a text, the student can name objects in pictures/tactile graphics or identify an object in a picture that is supposed to represent the pictures in the book.

Proximal Precursor

After reading or hearing a familiar, linear story, the student is able to identify information or events that occur at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


While reading a story, the student is able to identify characteristic elements of stories (e.g., characters, setting, events).


After reading a story, the student is able to identify an element of the story (e.g., character, setting, and event) that changes over the course of the story.