Aligned Standard

ELA.EE.RL.3.3: Identify the feelings of characters in a story.

Grade Level Standard

This is aligned the following California State Standards:

  • RL.3.3 - Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Linkage Level Descriptions

Initial Precursor

The student can use or identify feeling words related to self, such as happy, sad, tired, worried, or angry. The student can communicate responses to simple feeling state questions (e.g., Are you happy? Are you sad?).

Distal Precursor

While reading a section of familiar text, the student is able to identify words associated with feelings related to entities other than themselves (e.g., Henry was happy on his birthday. What word shows how Henry feels?).

Proximal Precursor

While reading a familiar story, the student is able to identify feelings of characters or feeling words that describe characters when explicitly stated (e.g., Heidi was glad she found her keys. How did Heidi feel when she found her keys?).


While reading a story, the student can identify the feelings of characters (e.g., How did Tom feel when he won the game?).


While reading a narrative, the student can identify how a character's actions make them feel OR how a character's feelings lead to action (e.g., Why did Ramona sleep all day?).