Aligned Standard

ELA.EE.RL.11-12.3: Determine how characters, the setting or events change over the course of the story or drama.

Grade Level Standard

This is aligned the following California State Standards:

  • RL.11-12.3 - Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters/archetypes are introduced and developed). CA

Linkage Level Descriptions

Initial Precursor

The student can use knowledge of a category to draw conclusions about the characteristics of objects that are part of that category.

Distal Precursor

The student can identify the major characters, setting, and major events in a story without the use of additional information from pictures.

Proximal Precursor

The student can identify how a specific character develops or changes over the course of a story.


The student can identify how characters, settings, and events change or develop over the course of a story.


The student can identify events that contribute to the plot of a story and can describe how the plot develops throughout the story. The student can also identify the changes that occur in the characters as a result of the changing plot.