Aligned Standard

ELA.EE.L.7.2.a: Use end punctuation when writing a sentence or question.

Grade Level Standard

This is aligned the following California State Standards:

  • L.7.2 - Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie but not He wore an old[,] green shirt). b. Spell correctly.

Linkage Level Descriptions

Initial Precursor

The student can demonstrate an understanding that all objects have a function or action associated with them by indicating the object's function or action.

Distal Precursor

The student can identify the first word to read on a page and point to the upper left of a page of text when asked where to start reading.

Proximal Precursor

The student can demonstrate an understanding that some type of punctuation needs to occur after each sentence and can recognize the different types of end punctuation.


The student can appropriately use various types of end punctuation when writing.


The student can identify commas as a form of punctuation and use commas when writing.